LaNora Means Ministries
Our attitude in praise should be of the understanding that God alone is Who we are to honor, and that with sincerity, we are to look to Him in the beauty of His marvelous grace. So whenever we take time to reflect upon all that He has done in our lives, we should make mention of the wonderful answers we receive in prayer without a behavior that boasts of any self effort or achievements. In deep reflection of heart, with utmost care, we need to treat wisdom as such to correlate God’s wisdom as the ultimate wisdom that exceeds any human and holds everything in place in our lives. He alone is worthy to receive our extended hands upward; for with His bountiful blessings, He also sends down of His favor in answer. The blessings of praise is not overpowering another. That is, it is not competitive striving as to win a battle with each other to get ahead or beyond someone else; instead, it is yielding to His divine care and trusting Him in order that His Spirit can flow through us, manifesting His love and work that is pleasing in His sight. With a heart of passion for His love, and a willing mind to trust in His way, we then can experience the outpouring of His sweet blessings that gives our lives the benefits of the productivity in the results. So with every report of praise given, let us fully realize that it is all about what God has done for us through Jesus; for He alone has made it possible in approach to prayer to receive answer. That is why it is particularly important for us to be reconciled to God; in that, every answer is supplied by Him! LaNora G. Means continue