LaNora Means Ministries
Urgent prayer request for those facing persecution.                                  Dear Lord Jesus,                                           We come to You right now with urgent requests                                  of heart that You will intervene in behalf of those                                  who are facing severe and devasting persecution.                                    There is much heartbreaking circumstances that are                                   coming against Your people (those who trust in                                   Your Precious Name).  Help them stand strong in the                                   midst of these horrible evils that are coming against                                   them due to their faith in You.  There are those who                                   are hungry for Your Goodness and Mercy with that                                   Great Love that You bestow.  Give them strength to                                   withstand these pressures, all the while You work                                   mightily to deliver them from the hands of the evil                                   ones who hate Your grace.  Give comfort to the broken                                  in heart, that they cling to Your peace.  Give strength to                                   the weak, that they may be strong  in Your hope.                                                        In Jesus Christ Forever and ever,                                                                    Amen and Amen                                                                               Also a prayer for the ones doing the persecuting.                                  Dear Lord Jesus,                                          You and You alone are in control of every situation.                                  It may be hard for us to see any good in bad situations.                                   Actually, there is nothing good about evil.  Deal with the                                  hearts of the most cruel sorts and help them see that what                                  they are doing is wrong, and You alone have the ultimate say                                  and will judge their actions. Help them understand Your Love                                  through what Jesus gave of Himself that they too can have peace                                  with You by acceptance of Your grace to be forgiven and live a                                  new life for You.                                                          In Christ Jesus Alone,                                                                    Amen and Amen                                                                         A prayer for awareness and renewal                                  Dear Jesus, loving Savior,                                         Help us become more aware of how important it is for                                  us to center our whole lives in Your Love.  With our hearts                                  longing for You and looking forward for Your return, our                                  hope is sure.  Give us a wonderful renewal each day as our                                  trust in You grows into a loving relationship governed by                                   Your cherished attention that only You provide.  With each                                  day that we face, protect us by Your Mighty Hand of good-                                  ness that nourishes us and sustains us in Your ways.                                                        In Jesus Name Forevermore,                                                                   Amen and Amen                                             A plea for God’s help in stressful moments                                              (A personal prayer straight from the heart)                                   Dear Lord Jesus,                                      First of all, I want to thank You for all the times You helped                                me through those challenging times of stress that caused my                                weary heart to falter.  Give me strength to rely upon You rather                                than worry about every problem.  Fix my mind on every promise                                for my life to grow stronger in You with a maturity that reflects                                the peace inside that You alone give.  Make me more aware of                                how frail I am in order to keep my thoughts alert and attentive                                to Your Word.  Thank You that I can turn to You in times of                                 stress knowing that The Holy Spirit’s presence within my life                                brings comfort even when the situation is contrary.                                                        In Christ’s Cherished Name Forever,                                                                   Amen and Amen                                  (A confidence in nearness to GOD in petition of His Mercy)                              Dear GOD,                                  Thank You for Your Loving grace that You bestowed to us                             through JESUS! You offered us Your very best.  With our                             acceptance to that best in that grace You gave us, we may then                              have the right to petition You through Your Spirit in our lives to come                              before You in sincere request with a confidence that You will                              grant us mercy to help us in our every time of need. Knowing the rest You                              gave us to rely upon Your Word to us, that in every trial we face, in                              the toil of this life, we have a better hope through what you granted to                             us. Help us to rely on Your promises that whether by life or death, we shall                              stand in Your presence giving glory to You forevermore.                                                         Resting In The Care Of Jesus,                                                               Amen and Amen                                                             (A prayer for the grieving heart)                               Dear Lord Jesus,                                    Help those right now who are facing such hurts of grief                               that no words could express such sorrow.  You know each                               heart and life in depth and the ache inside of emptiness at                              such times.  Let your peace be real to the mind that You                               alone can give, and guide each day with healing to go on.                              With each passing day bring a renewal, to live in the strength                              that You alone provide.  Looking to You in trust that in You                              all will be well.  Thank You for Your hope and care for the                               health and love in Your presence.  May Your love be forever                              burning brightly!                                                                  Trusting You Forever,                                                                         Amen and Amen                               (A prayer for strength each day)                              Dear GOD,                                   First of all, thank You for each new day and also for every                              opportunity that You give us to be productive to work for You.                              Help us in our lives: to grow strong, to love much, and to play                              often; for, no matter how young or old we are, You give us an                              ability to enjoy life to the fullest.  Even when stress tries to                               plague our minds, and impatience tries to bombard our                               thinking, give us stamina to trust You to work everything out                               for our good.  In the stressful times, help us to look to You to                              guide our thinking in the importance of Your care, and                               acknowledge that You not only give us strength in body,                               but also in our thoughts that brings peace in every area                              of our lives.                                                                  Relying On You,                                                                        Amen and Amen                                (a prayer in this New Year)                               Dear GOD, our Heavenly Father,                                 Thank You for this new year!  Help us each day to pray                              even more for guidance and strength to make right decisions.                              Lead us in the love of Your Word in such a way that promotes a                              healthy life that we may excel in conduct.  Broaden our                               expectations that we may see with the eyes of Your love                              beyond ourselves to the needs of others.  Give us the ability                              to trust You with a childlike trust that grows more dear to                              us every day.  Guide us with that perfect love that carries us                              the whole year through!  Thank You again for all Your blessings                              that You bestow each and every day of the year!                                                                  In Your Awesome Care Forever,                                                                       Amen and Amen                                (a prayer in cherishing God’s love - personal and straight from the heart!)                               Dear Savior God,                                  Your love is everlasting!  Every minute of every day and                              night belongs to You.  Thank You for each full day of life,                              keeping me alive that I may give my whole self to You.                                                                                      Hold my life in Your care always, as I look to You for strength                               each day.  In the stillness of the night, remind me of Your                              presence through The Holy Spirit’s comfort with a peaceful                              sleep and rest that is needed for the new day ahead.  As                              the sun rises, show me hope through Your Word in the mercy                              of Jesus. Search my heart and prick my spirit that I may be                               guided by Your way throughout the whole day.  Let the light                              of Your love shine through me that I may be able to shine Your                               love on others.  As the sun begins to set, grant me an                               awareness of Your mighty power that stirs my thoughts to stay                              centered on You that I may always be pleasing in Your sight.                              Thank You for days well spent, and nights well rested!                                               With a very grateful heart full of Your love,                                                                       Amen and Amen                               (a prayer from grateful hearts)                                    Dear God,  Thank You for each day of life that You bestow                              from Your Almighty Hand that comforts in stressful times.                              You turn events of potential harm into blessings we don’t                              deserve.  You help us see just how blessed we are by sparing                              us from loss in a bleak situation.  As we realize Your protection,                              stir us to understand with a keen awareness to place our full                              reliance on Your presence to strengthen our minds upon Your                              care.  Open our hearts with a greater stability each and every                               day without our faith wavering. Thanks again for Your favor                              to enjoy life and rejoice each day in Your love!                                               From the midst of our hearts toward You,                                                                       Amen and Amen                               (a prayer for instruction in direction)                                     Almighty God,  You and You alone has every say over our                              hearts and our lives. We thank You for such care, for we are                              feeble in ourselves and do not know as much about situation                              as You, who knows all things. Help us to understand with hearing                              ears that we may comprehend our direction in You for purpose.                               Show us with seeing eyes Your lovingkindness that we do not                               deserve, yet long to feel.  Lead us with willing feet to go by                              Your prompting wherever the path of Your goodness takes us                              on this road we call life.  Hold us with gentle arms all the while                              giving us strength to bear the load that we have to carry in                              responsibility that the earthly tasks bear down on us. May the                              hands of Your presence touch our hearts to dry every tear we                              shed when the world is so indifferent. When we feel that we                              are on our last leg, hold us up that we may stand strong through                              all the pressures that bombards our thinking.  In light of the truth                              which comprises Your whole existence which cannot be limited                              to time or space, let our mouths be both guarded and guided                              that every word said will be pleasing in Your sight!  Thank You,                              Most Wonderful and Blessed Savior, who not only saves, but also                              for that provision of mercy that never runs short of Your grace!                              Thankfully Blessed and earnestly seeking,  Amen and Amen                                                                                                                                                    (A Prayer for those feeling uncertainty)                                      Dear Lord,  Even in those times that we face circumstances                              that we question our own faith level, supply us with the capability                              to recall just how much You cherich our lives, and bring to our                              remembrance the numerous times that Your love has kept us                              through the times that we could not understand.  Even when                              we feel as though we have failed You, let your mercy cover us                              with the peace You bestow to us.  Even when we struggle to pray,                              soften our hearts with conviction that penetrates deep within                              that we may be led by Your Spirit in shaping our very existence                              as a blessing to others in their trials, although we may be                               experiencing tough times that others may not understand.                              May we always thank You in good times and times that are not                              so good, with Your Word as our guide to strengthen and comfort                              us to ponder the difference You make in our lives that really                              matters in the first place!  With all respect to You forever,                                                                               Amen and Amen,   LaNora G. Means                                (a personal prayer for those in doubt)                                                                      Dear Loving Father, You know every situation and every                               reason of all things. Help me to remember that You are in control                              and that I am to look to You and make my petitions before You                              for the answers to my problems. Help me to realize my frailness                              and that I am not to carry the burdens on my own; for, You                               are strong and I am weak!  Examine my heart before You, and                              if there is anything in my life hindering my prayers, show me                               Holy Spirit that I may know.  Prick my spirit if I need to repent                              of any wrong.  Give me the strength to do what’s right.  Set my                              mind upon Your Word, and penetrate my thoughts with Your                              Spirit that guides, comforts, and protects in every way. As You                              lead me on in this life, flood my heart with a faith that pushes                              every doubt out of my mind all the while trusting and listening                               to You that my faith will grow even more and more till the                              problems seem as nothing; because, You hold my every care                              and deal with every trial!    With an adoring trust, Amen and Amen                               (a prayer acknowledging how God protects and keeps us)                                   Dear Almighty God, First of all, we need to understand that                               You know everything that we are not even aware of, for You alone                              sees all the events of this life from beginning to end.  Show us                               how to deal with every situation that could be of potential danger.                              You alone knows every bit of each person’s life, all thoughts and                              intentions are noticed by Your observant eye. Thank You for each                              day of the encircling of Your loving presence of care that surrounds                              us for the joys of tomorrow in You. For, being in You means walking                              in that way of Your love that embraces us in Your goodness.                                                               With an overwhelming peace, Amen and Amen                                                                                                                                                           (A prayer of thankfulness)                                    Dear Lord Jesus, Thank You for the Holy Spirit’s work that                               enables our lives in the power that You bestowed by what You                              promised to us in Your finished work that You gave of Your                              life.  Guide us each day to Your words of hope as a reminder                              to lean upon You not only in times of need, but also in times                              when everything seems fine in the contentment of Your comfort.                              Bring to our minds the fact that without You it could never have                              been possible to have the peace we need with the Just and Holy                               God that we will stand before someday.  Again we give thee thanks                              for Your many blessings to our lives.                                  In the most thankful attitude of gratitude, Amen and Amen                                                                                                                  ( a prayer of safety)                                 Dear Almighty GOD, We come to you in earnest petition in                             behalf of those in the midst of devastation. Grant them safety                             in line of duty to defend and protect Israel. Give strength to                              Jerusalem and care to Your people. Remember Your mercy,                             Your love, and Your care that You alone can give. Keep safe                              the captives, bring fear to the enemies to drive them off by                             Your Almighty Hand. Console the grief-stricken hearts that                             are dealing with losses. Comfort the uncertain that are                              waiting to hear from love ones. Hold up the discouraged                              with hope by trusting in JESUS for the peace they need.                             We thank You for the hope You give us to trust You in                             security of prayer to continue on each day.                              In an earnest appeal for the deliverance needed, Amen and Amen                                                                                                                      (a prayer for the deeply concerned)                                Dear Heavenly Father, GOD over all, You know all hearts, minds,                             and lives.  Be with those who trust in You; and by Your wonderful                             care, comfort every broken heart and those who are facing                             devastating crisis.  Strengthen every frail mind, and those who                             are dealing with discouraging situations.  Bring to each lonely                             one a solace from any impending grief.  With Your mighty                             outstretched arms of love, imbrace the downcast, shelter                             the hurting, and hold the uncertain with the tender kindness                             which You bestow.  Thank You for Your favor, because You                             alone take care of every single problem that could possibly                             arise.  You have given Your best, help each to give the best                             one can, in order to be pleasing in Your sight.                             In JESUS NAME,  Amen and Amen                                            Dear Gracious Lord,  Thank You for Your care each day!  Help us                              look to You as everything we need, because the abundance of Your                             love is more real than anything this world could offer.  You know                             what is best for each life, so give us the reassurance in those lonely                             times of Your closeness that soothes the heart and calms the mind                             whenever we feel that we have been let down in circumstances                              beyond our control.  Surround us with Your mercy, whenever we                             think of all the things we could have done to bring peace to an                             aching heart by reminding others of Your lovingkindness although                             it seems hopeless.  With each passing day, give us strength to keep                             trying, even when we feel that all is lost and no one cares.  You do                             care, dear Lord, and that is the truth of Your Word, so thank You!                             In Jesus Name, forever,  Amen and Amen         LaNora G. Means
LaNora Means Ministries
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