Whenever we actually give thoughtful attention to glorify God, we may
often think in terms of situation from a human standpoint that involves
circumstance that all is well with us. But what about the times that are
not so favorable and the news or surrounding condition is bleak? Do
we trust God anyway and worship Him just the same? A sincere
believer walking an honest life with God in His grace, shouldn’t even
be hesitant to answer these questions with a reassuring, yes, to the fact
that no matter what you are going through, we are to cling to God, and
trust in His mercy, all the while praising Him with utmost adoration, even
through every sorrow and horrendous hurt. It does take a greater strength
and a mature walk by faith to praise God through every hurt; for a common
response to human nature would be one of dissatisfaction to the point
of depression. In that cause, we all would be at fault at one or more
areas of time that bombard us to the extent of desperation. So with
all of these previoulsy stated notions of praising God versus sulking in
pity, there seems to be a fine line to walk between compassion with
encouragement toward one another to lean on Jesus, and a hard stand
to take regarding a firm yet loving reprimand when necessary to get us
in line with healthy instruction which is profitable for our benefit to grow.
So with our character in check, these attitudes are necessary for us in
order that we may be equipped for all that God is working in our lives
to the glory of His name. It is within His Word to us that we find our
solace and our strength and also the authority vested in us. This can
only be found in the covering of His love through the Holy Spirit, Who
blesses our lives with the capability to give God the highest praise and
honor that He alone deserves even in the direst times. LaNora G. Means