If you were to be described in this life, wouldn’t you want to be
known for what is befitting as a walk with the Lord that is well
pleasing in His sight? If you were to cease to be, that is die,
wouldn’t you want to be remembered by those alive by a life
that was well lived in the integrity of the Lord?
There could be forty-one reasons that you think you are correct,
but don’t be deceived, God knows the real truth of your heart!
What’s used should be dedicated to God not selfish pursuits.
Some look to signs, others wisdom, but God looks upon the heart!
Jealously, in another words envy, gets you nowhere! Whenever
someone has deep sorrow over someone else in their success,
it brings about an evil tendencty toward a bitter response,
(such as someone who tries to either equal or out excel someone
else.) Harboring such feelings can lead to drastic consequences, even
causing one to be eternally separated from God to the losing of
one’s soul. It is necessary that each person take the time to ask
God to make a search of one’s heart, and allow the Holy Spirit
to do the work that is needed in conviction, bringing one to
repentance if this be the case.
No amount of earthly knowledge will satisfy, but what God gives
through the Holy Spirit is indeed pure, which means it is undefiled.
And it is with that blameless conduct, that the true wisdom that
comes from God builds into each and every good distinguishing
quality that positively suits the believer in Christ Jesus our Lord!
Take a long and prayerful look at the passage in James 3:13-18!
LaNora G. Means
LaNora Means Ministries
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