Suffering for the cause of our Lord Jesus Christ is not a very popular idea to live; however, in the area of standing true to His Word, it is inevitable if one takes the serious commitment as is necessary to adhere to the conduct of living the life in accordance to putting Him first above and beyond anything else that tries to take a greater priority. It often separates very families due to what one believes in regard to who accepts and rejects the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ; and, the level of devotion to His purposes often causes some to either draw closer or farther away from those whose time is spent in the depth of the work He places upon ones life in the sincerity to stay the course in that commitment. In “Jesus First In Your Life”, I made plain the fact of how God can take a life and turn it around from a hopeless situation to abundant living even in the midst of seemingly an aloneness that sometimes accompanies a lifestyle to continue to hold fast to the value of what God can do in one’s life to stay strong in His care. Even though there is a certain attraction in this life to gain much to live as comfortably as possible, no amount of attaining wealth or living off of one’s accomplishments could truly make one happy for this life is so fleeting. The life lived now will quickly pass, but what truly stands is eternity. If the truth of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is correctly told, there is also the responsibility to inform others that their soul condition before God is important in order to have the right standing before Him that they may attain that eternal life and in the grace of God He bestowed not only to accept what Jesus did for them; but, also to live the lifestyle that is pleasing in His sight that they may be able to pass along the wonderful news of how Jesus changed their lives in testimony of His goodness in the blessing of healing and deliverance. With all this in mind, we who believe can say together that we have a more lasting inheritance someday, but while on this earth we have our hope and can call out to God in our times of need, knowing that the cross we bear is one of victory ahead to the greater joy in glory! LaNora G. Means
LaNora Means Ministries