LaNora Means Ministries
The position that one takes stand in as a Christian should be one of sincerity by His
Spirit that is made possible through the Holy Spirit’s presence in one’s life. The individual
life lived before Him is of utmost importance to realize that one must face God alone at
that day appointed to give account of one’s life. It is in this reminder that as members
of Christ’s body in believing what He has done for us, we must cling to His Word, and
rely upon His Spirit to live the life that is pleasing in His sight using the words of truth
that point to Him as our source of strength through His precious name. Our words
should be wholesome, yet firm to the steadfast faith that denotes faithful obedience
in Jesus by trusting in God’s grace, leaning upon His mercy, and speaking with the
words of truth with a value that exceeds far beyond what this world’s substance offers.
We must promote healthy conversation, understanding that each word counts for
either the better or worse of our lives and thus reveals what is deep within our thoughts
and comes out in action of either love and blessing, or else hurt and deception. We must
then take responsibility to live according to the love that Jesus gave us with a changed
life from one of a lifestyle of sin to a healed life as one with a correct standing with
God, Who saved us from the condemnation that we deserve. By knowing that every
act and decision that is made by each one of us in this life has its consequences, would
one want to be held accountable before a Just and Holy God without His forgiveness?
Then it better be taken seriously now while in the time frame of your life with a sorrow
toward your sins, and make it right with God by asking Him to forgive you from sin,
completely forsake your old lifestyle of sin with your renewed life which was made
possible by the change through the acceptance in salvation through Jesus Christ. It is
also extremely necessary to maintain a healthy life in Him by growing in the likeness of
His love. This is done by allowing your life to be molded into something of worth that
God can use for His glory to be a blessing that does not come with trouble; instead, it
brings restoration. And not only a restoration of what one would see in a temporary
way in this life, but there is an eternal outcome that is worth much more in the blessings
of God; for, the value of one’s soul is more important than all the riches of this life. So,
we must use extreme caution with our presentation of words, that could either bring
healing words of life or damaging words of death! Be sensitive and attentive to
what is stated, in “The Value Of An Upright Tongue”. LaNora G. Means