LaNora Means Ministries
The feature of Jesus’ prayer for Himself stresses the fact of His request of what
He already knew what belonged to Him in the first place in time, place, and order.
He knew the time of His finished earthly ministriy, and all of His perfect work that
would be complete, and who would accept what He gave in the eternal life offered.
Those who have accepted the words of Jesus have also accepted what Jesus has given
of Himself. All the glory that belongs to Him was to have its rightful place with the One
true God Whose authority over all prevails. The recognition of that authority which
belongs to Him is to the glory of His name, and those who abide in His way was
prayed to remain faithful to Him in the acknowledgment of what God gave in the
truth of His Word through Jesus. Along with His prayer of those to be kept in
the protection of the power of His name in the unity of His Spirit, He also spoke
the words of life that His joy would be fulfilled in them. He knew ahead of time
that while they remained in a world that hated His Word, they too would be hated
for accepting and staying true to His Word. So, also His desire for them in prayer
was one of protection from the evil One, Who would deceive those who were of
the world and the world’s ways that rejected the true Son of God Who was given
that they should accept. He prayed that they would be set apart so that their
use for Him would be of the holiness that would be required in the truth of
God’s Word. So therefore, through their word of the truth of what Jesus did
and gave of His life would be put forth in the testimony of His goodness leading
others to Him in order to be saved. Jesus also prayed for those who would believe
through their word of the gospel that was heralded through time giving us hope
today in Jesus. Therefore, His prayer was in the direction of the Father and
intended in the asking not only in the behalf of those in the earthly ministry
of His life at that time; but it is also for us today in that we believe upon His
precious words of truth. So we, who accept that truth must abide in Him as
that truth, and through the Holy Spirit’s comfort we must be reminded through
His Word the commands to remain faithful in the midst of a crooked and perverse
world. May the Holy Spirit encourage your heart all the while prick your mind and
conscience to remain faithful in prayer by watching “Kept By Jesus’ Prayer”
LaNora G. Means