LaNora Means Ministries
The Holy Spirit within the life of an individual, (when the relationship of God’s
presence is understood to be sound in moral and ethical character in one’s conduct)
brings about a beautiful development of a healthy lifestyle. It is by this genuine and
heartfelt reality that gives one a sense of well being that exceeds any other way of
living that stems off of one’s self made efforts that ultimately lead to failure. For if
one would try to measure up to all the standards that are required in the tradition
of the stipulation, there would be further demands to work even harder to do all
that would be needed to fix every wrong with what was lacking to make it right.
This complicated continuance gives way to an even deeper disappointment. With
all that was given in the law that the Old Testament speaks of, there was the love
of God which would cover the debt of wrong which would expiate for the separation
that sin caused. No sacrifice would be greater than what He had planned to do to
restore the broken relationship that the nature of sin hindered. God would settle
this account in a legal standing that would require the debt of sin to be paid through
the blood of the greatest sacrifice that could ever be offered. This could only be
done one time, and through His grace alone it was made possible. The numerous
attempts of human ritualistic efforts never would be able to provide what was needed
to answer sin’s dilemma. So with all the shed blood of every sacrifice, only One would
make a difference. The One is Jesus Christ, Who “…came to seek and to save that
which was lost.” (see Luke 19:10 AMP) The Son of man, (in His humanity without
ever losing His Deity) did what was planned by the will of God, The Father, to carry
out His will to restore the relationship with all mankind in the right standing that
would enable those Who accept that grace to live in the promise of His blessings.
So, “…according to the kind intention of His will,” (see Ephesians 1:5 NAS), He
designated as by determining in advance by His love that we who accept by
believing would obtain His favor and live in His mercy. With His favor upon our
lives, we can be certain to know that He values us as His own children in all
rights and accepts us in the abundance of His divine blessing. We then are not
only declared right before Him; but also, we are changed by the power of His
love making it possible by His transforming work of the Holy Spirit upon our
lives to trust in His cleansing that gives our lives a distinction from a life of sin.
Watch. “He Has Chosen Us! As His Own” LaNora G. Means